FAQ ________________________________________ Will EVIL work with the Marathon Trilogy version of Infinity? Yes. The installer will automatically update your version to the latest Infinity version, 1.5. You do not need to do anything special, it all happens behind the scenes. Can I play EVIL with Marathon 2? No. Where can I get Marathon: EVIL You can find a complete list of sites at http://www.ntbbs.org/evil Is it correct that I must enter my serial number over again into Marathon:EVIL? No. Since version 1.5 of Infinity does not require a serial number, you do not need to reenter it into Marathon: EVIL. Bungie has removed the serial number requirement. Wasn't that nice of them? Can maps be made for EVIL with Forge? and use the new wacky, wicked weapons? All of Evil was made with Forge. We might be putting out a patcher to patch Forge to what we used (i.e. weapons names and creature names correct). but only on high demand will we do this. Any net maps that absolutely rock, but not by FrigidMan? Every Mapmaker in The EVIL Group was carefully hand chosen by FrigidMan. His watchful eye and somewhat warped sense of reality kept an eye on the process. He wouldn't do this if it didn't rock. Refer to the chapter in this readme entitled 'The EVIL Group' for individual map credits. When was EVIL started? Before Infinity was even in beta format. It was started with early beta versions of Forge, and worked on through Infinity release until now. How did you get Anvil to work? It just worked. Knowing how to use it helps. ;-) Do you have a different version of Forge to make EVIL with? Yes we do, and only by high demand will we give out a patcher for it. Will we be able to make maps for EVIL and distribute them? Yes. You can keep the EVIL in all of us by supporting it with new additions. It is not hard making an EVIL compatible map file. If you're really lucky, The EVIL Group will try and recommend it. Can you actually hold a pistol and Fusion gun at the same time? No, that screenshot was a joke to see if anyone was paying attention. Got you didn't it? What would happen if I play net EVIL with someone who is using plain old Infinity? You will most likely crash. Since the Infinity person will not have the appropriate shapes. Thus when marathon calls for something that is not there, it will crash. Make sure both sides have the same files. How is Bungie contributing to EVIL? Just testing, and making sure everything is kosher. Is Bungie paying you to make EVIL? Nope. If a tree falls in the forest, and there's no one to hear it, will a bizarre cult group then sacrifice themselves to the "Tree People"? Most likely. If so, will their fruit-loop leader then turn out to be from San Antonio, and leave behind video tapes which prove that -- where you and I have a "brain" -- this man had a "Whack-A-Mole" game? No... I dont think so on this one, since having a wack a mole game would require batteries, and where on earth would he stick them? (and no.. get your head out of the gutter).